What Do You Need to Study Law In Australia A Step-By-Step Guide

What Do You Need to Study Law In Australia

Are you considering studying law in Australia? If so, there are essential requirements, skills, and traits that you need to possess. Moreover, choosing the right law school is crucial for your academic development and future career prospects.

Studying law in Australia is a rigorous process that requires discipline, dedication, and critical thinking. You will learn about various aspects of the law such as civil litigation, criminal law, corporate law, and intellectual property.

Additionally, you will develop analytical skills that are vital for interpreting laws and regulations. In this article, we will explore what it takes to study law in Australia and provide guidance on how to prepare for the bar exam and obtain a practicing certificate.


So let’s dive into what you need to know before embarking on this exciting journey of becoming a lawyer in Australia!

What Do You Need to Study Law In Australia A Step-By-Step Guide

Key Takeaways

  • Essential skills and traits for studying law in Australia include discipline, dedication, critical thinking, communication, analytical skills, attention to detail, ability to work under pressure, problem-solving, and critical thinking.
  • Admission process for law schools in Australia involves academic qualifications, character, and suitability assessment, as well as specific entry requirements for each institution.
  • Law school options in Australia vary in terms of accreditation, course options, specializations, location, cost, financial aid eligibility, and admission requirements.
  • Career opportunities after completing law studies in Australia include practicing as a solicitor or barrister, legal counsel, policy analysts, and consultants, which require passing the bar exam and obtaining a practicing certificate, as well as ongoing professional development and networking.

Overview of Studying Law in Australia

So, you’re interested in studying law in Australia? Well, let me tell you that it’s not just about memorizing legal cases and statutes – it’s about gaining a deep understanding of the legal system and how it operates in practice.

Compared to other countries, studying law abroad in Australia is an excellent choice as its legal education system has a reputation for being one of the best in the world.

Australia offers both undergraduate and postgraduate law degree programs. The undergraduate program takes three to four years to complete while the postgraduate program takes two to three years. One significant difference between Australian and other countries’ legal education is that Australian universities provide a practical approach alongside theoretical knowledge.

This means students learn how laws operate through real-life scenarios rather than only focusing on textbook theories.

In summary, studying law abroad is more than just obtaining a degree; it involves gaining practical knowledge and skills necessary for practicing law effectively. As such, before embarking on this journey, ensure you meet all essential requirements such as language proficiency tests or meeting academic qualifications standards for your intended course of study.

Essential Requirements

To pursue a legal career in Australia, you’ll need to meet certain essential requirements such as completing a Bachelor of Laws degree and obtaining admission to practice. The admission process involves submitting an application to the admitting authority in your state or territory, which will assess your academic qualifications, character, and suitability for the profession. You may also need to pass a practical legal training course and/or undertake supervised legal practice.

Some of the academic qualifications that are typically required include a high school certificate or equivalent, followed by a tertiary qualification such as a Bachelor’s degree in any field. However, it’s important to note that many law schools have their own specific entry requirements, so it’s advisable to research each institution thoroughly before applying. Additionally, some universities offer combined degrees that allow students to study law alongside another discipline such as business or science.

In summary, obtaining admission to practice law in Australia requires meeting certain essential requirements including completing a Bachelor of Laws degree and passing through an admissions process that evaluates your academic qualifications and suitability for the profession. If you’re considering pursuing this path, it’s important to research each step thoroughly and ensure that you’ve met all necessary prerequisites before embarking on your legal career journey.

Next up we’ll discuss some skills and traits needed for success in this field.

Skills and Traits Needed

Having strong communication and analytical skills, as well as attention to detail and the ability to work under pressure, are essential traits for success in a legal career. As a law student in Australia, you’ll need to develop these skills through your coursework and practical experience.

Problem solving is also a crucial aspect of being a successful lawyer. You must be able to identify issues that are presented by your cases and develop effective solutions.

In addition to problem solving, critical thinking is another important skill that you’ll need to hone as a law student. You’ll need to analyze complex legal statutes and cases, interpreting their meanings and applying them effectively. This requires an ability to think logically and creatively when faced with challenging legal problems.

Ultimately, possessing these skills is only one part of becoming a successful lawyer in Australia. Choosing the right law school is also critical for developing the knowledge, connections, and experiences needed for success in this field. In the next section, we’ll explore some factors that you should consider when selecting an Australian law school that aligns with your career goals.

Choosing the Right Law School

When choosing the right law school in Australia, you need to consider several factors.

Firstly, look for a school that’s accredited and has a good reputation in the legal community.

Secondly, evaluate their curriculum and specializations offered to ensure that it aligns with your interests and career goals.

Lastly, take into account the location of the school and its cost to determine if it’s feasible for you to attend.

These factors will help you make an informed decision when selecting the best law school for your needs.

Accreditation and Reputation

Accreditation and reputation are key factors in choosing a law school in Australia, as they can greatly impact future job prospects. When considering accreditation, it’s important to understand the accreditation process and which bodies provide industry recognition for law schools.

The two main accreditation bodies in Australia are the Australian Bar Association (ABA) and the Law Society of New South Wales (LSNSW). The ABA accredits law schools that meet their rigorous standards for legal education, including faculty qualifications, curriculum content, and student outcomes. LSNSW also accredits law schools but focuses more on ensuring that graduates meet the necessary requirements to become practicing lawyers.

When researching potential law schools, it’s important to check if they are accredited by either of these bodies to ensure that you will receive a quality legal education that will prepare you for your future career.

With this foundation laid out through careful consideration of accreditation and reputation, you can then move on to exploring further aspects such as curriculum and specializations in order to choose the right program for you.

Curriculum and Specializations

To truly excel in your legal career, it’s crucial that you explore the diverse curriculum and specialized programs offered by different law schools in Australia.

This is because each law school offers unique course options that cater to different areas of law and career opportunities. For instance, some universities may offer courses on environmental law or human rights while others may specialize in commercial or corporate law.

By exploring these different course options and specializations, you can gain a deeper understanding of the legal field and discover new avenues for professional growth. Moreover, choosing a program that aligns with your interests and career goals can enhance your chances of securing employment in your desired field.

As such, it’s important to research each university’s curriculum thoroughly before making a decision about where to study law in Australia.

Moving onto the subsequent section about location and cost, it’s important to note that these factors should also be taken into consideration when selecting a law school.

Location and Cost

Considering the location and cost of a law school is crucial in making an informed decision about where to pursue your legal education in Australia. You have several options when it comes to location, as there are law schools located across the country.

Some popular options include Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, and Perth. Each location offers its own unique benefits and drawbacks that you should consider before making a decision. For example, Sydney has a large legal community with many opportunities for internships and networking, but it also has a higher cost of living compared to other cities.

In addition to location options, you should also consider the cost of attending law school. Tuition fees can vary widely between universities, so it is important to research each program’s financial aid eligibility before applying. Many law schools offer scholarships or bursaries based on academic merit or financial need.

It’s also worth considering part-time study or distance education programs if you need more flexibility in your schedule or if you are looking for a more affordable option. By carefully weighing your location and financial aid options, you can make an informed decision about which law school is right for you before moving on to the next step: applying to law school.

Applying to Law School

You’ll need to put in a lot of hard work and dedication if you want to get accepted into law school in Australia. It’s important to research the specific requirements for each institution, as they may differ slightly from one another. Generally, you’ll need to have completed an undergraduate degree or equivalent qualification with a minimum GPA of 5.0 on a scale of 7.0.

In addition to meeting the academic requirements, there are other factors that can increase your chances of being accepted into law school. One option is to apply for scholarship opportunities that may be available at your chosen institution. Another alternative pathway is completing a bridging course or diploma program in law, which can provide additional preparation and knowledge before entering the actual degree program.

Once you’ve met all the necessary requirements and submitted your application, it’s important to stay on top of any updates or requests from the university regarding your admission status.

If you’re accepted into law school, congratulations! The next step will be preparing for the rigorous academic workload ahead, but also taking advantage of all the opportunities available through studying law in Australia.

Studying Law in Australia

If you’ve successfully applied to law school in Australia, the next step is studying law. The legal education system in Australia combines theoretical knowledge with practical skills, with law students expected to participate actively in class discussions and moot court competitions to improve their research, writing, and oral communication skills.

The duration of a law degree program varies depending on the type of degree pursued. A Bachelor of Laws (LLB) typically takes three years to complete, while an undergraduate double degree such as Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Business Administration (LLB/BBA) may take four or five years. Pursuing a Juris Doctor (JD) degree will take two or three years if you’ve already completed an undergraduate degree in another field.

After completing your law studies, there are several career opportunities available for you. You can practice as a solicitor or barrister after passing the bar exam. Alternatively, you can work as legal counsel for companies, government agencies, or non-profit organizations. Additionally, job prospects outside the traditional legal sector include positions such as policy analysts and consultants.

Passing the bar exam is essential as you prepare for your future career in law. In the next section, we’ll discuss how to adequately prepare for this crucial test that determines whether you can practice as a lawyer in Australia.

Bar Exam Preparation

To ace the bar exam in Australia, it’s important to start preparing early and stay focused throughout the process. This means taking mock exams as part of your study routine to identify areas where you need improvement.

You can find plenty of study materials online or through your law school, including past exam papers and textbooks that cover the relevant topics. Once you have identified areas that require more attention, focus on those topics by revising related cases, statutes and other legal materials.

It’s also helpful to join a study group or hire a tutor to help you through difficult concepts. During this time, make sure to take regular breaks and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Finally, don’t forget about practical skills like time management and exam-taking strategies. The bar exam is notoriously challenging, so it’s essential to go into it with confidence and a clear plan of attack. By following these tips for bar exam preparation, you’ll be well on your way towards obtaining a practicing certificate in Australia.

Obtaining a Practicing Certificate

Acquiring a practicing certificate in Australia is the ultimate goal that every law graduate dreams of. However, it’s important to understand that obtaining a practicing certificate is not an easy task.

The licensing process involves meeting specific practicing certificate requirements set by the state or territory legal profession regulator.

To be eligible for a practicing certificate, you must have completed either a Bachelor of Laws or Juris Doctor degree from an accredited Australian university. Additionally, you’ll need to complete an approved Practical Legal Training (PLT) course and fulfill any other regulatory requirements set by your state or territory legal profession regulator. These requirements could include supervised workplace experience and ongoing professional development courses.

Once you meet all the necessary requirements, you can apply for your practicing certificate via your state or territory legal profession regulator’s website. It’s essential to submit all required documents and fees on time to ensure timely processing of your application.

Obtaining a practicing certificate is just one step towards building a successful career in law, but it’s undoubtedly worth the effort if you’re passionate about this field.

Moving forward from here, the next section will discuss what steps you need to take after acquiring your practicing certificate so that you can continue developing as a professional lawyer in Australia.

Conclusion and Next Steps

Now that you’ve obtained your practicing certificate, it’s time to focus on advancing your career as a professional lawyer in Australia. Take some time to reflect upon the skills and knowledge you’ve acquired so far, and consider how you can continue to improve yourself as a legal practitioner.

This may involve seeking out further education or training, networking with other professionals in your field, or finding ways to expand your practice areas.

In addition to reflecting on your own development, it’s important to conduct further research into the current state of the legal industry in Australia. Stay up-to-date with changes in legislation and regulations that may impact your work as a lawyer.

Consider attending conferences or seminars related to your area of practice, and engage with other professionals online through social media platforms like LinkedIn.

Ultimately, becoming a successful lawyer requires ongoing commitment to personal growth and professional development. Keep striving for excellence by continually reflecting on your skills and knowledge, conducting further research into the industry landscape, and seeking out opportunities for learning and growth.

With hard work and dedication, you can build a fulfilling career as a respected legal practitioner in Australia.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What are the requirements to study law in Australia?

A1: The specific requirements may vary depending on the university, but generally, to study law in Australia, you need to have completed an Australian Year 12 or an equivalent secondary school qualification with good grades. Some universities require the LSAT (Law School Admission Test). For non-native English speakers, an English language proficiency test may be required.

Q2: Can foreigners study law in Australia?

A2: Yes, foreigners can study law in Australia. They will need to apply for a student visa and meet the academic and English language requirements set by the university they apply to. International students are advised to check specific requirements with their chosen university.

Q3: What subjects in school do you need to become a lawyer in Australia?

A3: In high school, there are no specific subjects required to later study law at university, but subjects like English, History, and any form of social sciences could provide useful skills for a law degree. After school, you would need to complete an undergraduate law degree (LLB) or a postgraduate law degree (JD) and then complete practical legal training to become a lawyer.

Q4: How many years does it take to study law in Australia?

A4: An undergraduate Bachelor of Laws degree (LLB) typically takes 4 years to complete full-time. If you’re doing a Juris Doctor (JD), which is a postgraduate law degree, it takes 3 years. After obtaining the degree, you also need to complete a Practical Legal Training course, which takes about 6 months.

Q5: Which law field is in demand in Australia?

A5: As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, fields such as commercial law, family law, and healthcare law are in demand in Australia. However, the market dynamics can change over time, so it’s advisable to check recent data for the most accurate information.

Q6: Which country is best for law study?

A6: The “best” country for law study can depend on many factors, such as the specific area of law you’re interested in, language proficiency, and personal preferences. However, countries with top-ranked law schools include the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia. Each has a rich legal tradition and internationally recognized law programs.

Q7: What type of law pays the most in Australia?

A7: As of my last training data in September 2021, fields such as corporate law, intellectual property law, and tax law are often amongst the highest paying in Australia. However, compensation can vary greatly depending on the specifics of the job, the lawyer’s level of experience, and the market demand at any given time.

Q8: Do lawyers get paid well in Australia?

A8: On average, lawyers do earn a good income in Australia compared to many other professions. However, there’s significant variation in pay depending on factors like field of specialization, level of experience, location, and the size and type of employer (for example, a large corporate law firm vs. a small local practice). As of 2021, a lawyer’s salary can range from around AUD $60,000 for a new graduate to well over AUD $200,000 for a senior lawyer in a large firm. Please check updated data for the current figures.


Congratulations! You’ve made it to the end of this article on studying law in Australia. By now, you should have a good understanding of what’s required to pursue a career in law down under.

In conclusion, pursuing a degree in law in Australia requires commitment, dedication, and hard work. It’s essential to meet the academic requirements and possess the necessary skills and traits needed to succeed as a lawyer.

Choosing the right law school that aligns with your goals and applying early will increase your chances of acceptance into one of Australia’s top-ranked institutions. Once accepted, be prepared for an intensive course load and rigorous bar exam preparation before obtaining a practicing certificate.

Remember, studying law in Australia can lead to an exciting career with numerous opportunities for growth and advancement. So take the time to research your options carefully, determine your goals, and make informed decisions about your future path as a legal professional Down Under. Good luck!